A-approved W-workers A-are N-not A-Ashamed. AWANA. I have been SPARKS (the K, 1st grade, 2nd grade group) director for four years now, and I am sad, happy, excited like I am every year at this time when AWANA comes to a close for the academic year! Sad because I will miss seeing all the kids, and friends that make this happen, happy that it is over and I get to enjoy three months of my Wendesday nights for myself, excited for what will be an even better next year with my SPARKIES! I begin thinking about how to change it up for next year periodically through the year, but more so once Spring has sprung around here. I am very hopeful and excited about next year! But alas, I will enjoy my summer and prayerfully my SPARKIES will have a safe and great summer also!