Craig was honored today at a luncheon for his 4th year of consecutative safe driving. Prior he had gotten up to three years of safe driving, had a bad year and now has gotten back up to four years in a row.
To be eligible, a driver must be a full time employee operator who lives and drives in Wisconsin, who drives a minimum of 10,000 miles on public streets/highways. Craig now drives approximately 35,000 (because he now drives city it is not as high). A driver must be nominated for the President's Safe Driver Club by a company official, with 36 months of accident and citation free driving both professional and personally. (So year one is really year four of safe driving....)
After earning membership in the club, a driver must remain accident and citation free professionally and personally for each consecutive year. Any accident or citation the driver will lose that particular year toward accrued continuous membership.
Craig has been accident/citation free for three years, (then another three in the club) then a bad year (we won't get into details) and now the four consecutive years... way to go Craig - ten years total in the Presidents Safe Driver's Club!
We celebrated with an awards luncheon, and a moment out together.