Friday, February 27, 2009

My heart is full... so full it aches. I do mistake it sometimes for sadness, or loneliness though. My heart is full of love, dreams and aspirations for my kids, thier families and all the other things that worry a mom with more than one generation to worry about. It is something that I am just trying to get used too... so many to pray for, think about, worry over which inveriably makes me come back to my knees in prayer. My heart is full because I can pray and it is a privelage to pray. My heart is full because Jesus has soaked up all the extra space and is surely pushing His way into other areas. Yes today I feel the ache. My heart aches today because I want to love more, be loved more by those whom I seek favor. People in my life, my family, myself, and my Jesus.


Brenda and Jason said...

we ALL love you mom!!!!

The Kuess Family said...

That's awsome! Keep it up, it's what makes a great mom...and aunt :-)